Thursday, March 11, 2010

What is the neatest way to fold fitted sheets, so they don't crease again?

Tuck your corners into each other on both ends, flip the long side inward to create a long rectangle and fold together as you would a non-fitted sheet. It's not perfect but it works.What is the neatest way to fold fitted sheets, so they don't crease again?
I don't think there is a neat way to fold a fitted sheet..What is the neatest way to fold fitted sheets, so they don't crease again?
I always just tuck all the corners into each other, and then fold/roll the thing up until it's about the same size as the flat sheet. I finally asked my mom how SHE does it (because hers always seemed to be folded so nicely), and she said she does the same thing!

Just make them fit into the pile neatly and don't worry about it. Any creases are going to be gone by the time the bed it made anyway.
You can't really fold a fitted sheet because of the corners

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