Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fitting sheet music on a stand?

to all musicians out there: how can i fit 5 pages of music on a standard sized stand without having to flip anything??? this is for a 3-5 minute youth orchestra audition, and stopping half way through the piece to flip the 3 pages i have taped together doesn't seem appropriate, even though there is a huge 17 bar rest in the piece. i just don't think it's right to stop, the guy might think I'm finished!

please, any tips? thank you everyone!Fitting sheet music on a stand?
If it's in book form, you or someone else gets the honor of flipping pages. That's just the way it is.Fitting sheet music on a stand?
This is what page turners are for - live people, not some mechanical device! Especially if you have too many pages to stretch out across the stand on card, rope in a friend to help. Besides, that way you will have the bit you are concentrating on at that moment in front of you where it belongs, not a yard away so you have to turn or lean over to see it, and that can be really disrupting to the flow of your playing.

Good luck with the audition.
Get a bigger stand.

Tape the pages to one big sheet of cardboard so you can just place that on the stand. (it wont bend or anything!)

Use two stands.
There are digital music stands available. eStand is an example.

Harry Connick Jr. and others have used LCD music stands for big bands and orchestras.
Use a Manhasset stand, and get StandOuts - those plastic things that slide on. They increase the width significantly - I use them all the time.
Have someone turn pages for you?

Thats what I would do :)

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