Saturday, March 13, 2010

How many fitted crib sheets should i register for?

just wondering..the bed set comes with one and then i added 1 more. how many more will i need?How many fitted crib sheets should i register for?
Really it depend on your baby. I'd start with 3 but not open the third package unless you need it (and return it if you don't). My first boy was fine with two. I'd wash one and have it ready next time it was needed. But my second boy had intestinal issues and used to throw up constantly. I needed to have more on hand with him. And changing pad covers? I gave up on those pretty quickly because newborns seem to get pee and poop everywhere the first couple of months. Those covers were so expensive, and I never had enough. I did, however, have more receiving blankets than I could ever use. So I used to fold them in half and lay them over the changing pad, and change it out a few times a day. Best rule of thumb for multiples of the same item is only open what you'll need initially, so that you can return items you don't need later and trade them for what you need more of. Every baby is different.How many fitted crib sheets should i register for?
Well, I don't have any children so I'm no expert, but 3 or 4 sheets and mattress covers sound like a good idea in case baby decides to have a couple of accidents in one night.

My mom told me that with me and my siblings she would layer mattress cover, sheet, mattress cover, sheet. That way if the baby has an accident in the middle of the night you don't have to fight with making the crib again while you're half asleep, just pull off the top sheet and mattress cover and you're good to go, unless baby decides to have another accident.
The most I've gone through in one day was 5. (Baby had a stomach bug.) You can probably get by with 3 or so though. Make sure you register for at least 2 of the waterproof pads for under the sheet -they're lifesavers, and if you're in a jam and short on sheets, they're OK by themselves, they're just not as soft.
I only have 1 fitted crib sheet. BUT I have 3 changing pad covers! My son usually has his blow-outs on the changing pad :)

..he's 11 months and he's just (yesterday!) had his first crib vomiting session. I'm going to buy him another crib cover tomorrow :)

I just threw that one in the wash and put a baby blanket over the mattress while it went in the washer and dryer.

But I WOULD recommend getting 2 :)
Here's what worked great for me. Make sure you have three sets of sheets, and three waterproof mattress covers. Layer them all on the mattress, so when one gets messy, you just peel off that sheet and mattress cover, and the new one is already on. Trust me, it comes in handy at 3 am when you have no sleep. And that's when your little angel is going to expel every bodily fluid possible!
I registered for 3, just in case the baby got sick and made a mess. We have used 2 in one night, bc the baby puked. I changed the sheets and then he puked again on the other set. I was soo glad we had 3 sets of sheets!

I would possibly register for 4, just to be on the safe side.
I would definitely get at least 4 sheets and two matress covers. You never know when you may need extra especially if your baby spits up a lot or ends up with a stomach bug where you run out of all your sheets with in the first hour of going to bed. I would definitely get 4 or more sheets.

I dont know if its because I have a boy but he pees through his diapers alot at night in his crib and I end up changing it almost everyday. I think I have 6 crib sheets and thank god, he just so fast and alot that the diaper doesn't have time to absorb it fast enough.
Three of four. Babies always like to spit up on clean sheets. Never fails the sheet is dirty within hours of changing it at my house. Always a good idea to have a few spares.
I recommend having at least 3 crib sheets. That way, you have one in the wash, one on the bed and an extra if you need it.
I believe we have four. Just in case our son wets the bed or pukes or something more than once, in one night. (Hopefully not!)
I have 3 of them and 2 mattress pads. I've had to change my little girl's bed before during the night and then again after a nap that day so having 3 was a blessing!
i have three. its always nice just to have one extra. so i would say 2-3 is a good number.
2 sounds good. 1 to wash, one to use.
I wouldn't order any more. Just wash what you have %26amp; you'll be fine. I only have 1 set- my baby is 24 months old.
I would say get atleast 4 you never know where they are going to leak from and when you will have time to wash.
three is the best,maybe even four

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