Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Does a resume have to fit on one sheet of paper?

Are resumes always on one sheet or can they be a little bit longer?Does a resume have to fit on one sheet of paper?
I wouldn't go over a page. When handling so many pages of so many resumes, a second page makes a difference.

What size is your format? Can you make it smaller, leave out a word or two, space it differently???

Here is a spectacular website:

http://jobsearch.about.com/od/resumes/Re鈥?/a>Does a resume have to fit on one sheet of paper?
This depends on the resume. In my experience, most employers will prefer one sheet, but if you have more applicable experience or skills than will fit on one sheet, then you should certainly include them. For example, my husband has experience in multiple science careers as well as expert knowledge of many scientific computer programs and techniques. When using a chronological resume, it is about a page and a half. When using a functional resume, which focuses more on his skills, it still fits on one page.
One sheet is bollocks. It all depends on how much experience you have. A resume should always be kept as concise as possible, but at the same time you need to reflect what you did at your positions and your technical skills. Don't force the HR people to become mind readers because they wont even bother calling you for an interview if they have to be guessing what you can offer their company. A lot of resumes are also electronically stored, meaning they use keywords to pull relevant resumes up. Hence, if your resume is vague it will NEVER trigger a pull.
It is often preferable to keep a resume to only one page; however, ensure that the font is not shrunk to the point that it is illegible (10 pt. should be considered a minimum). If you feel that in order to maintain a decent font size an extra page is needed, this second page will likely not make a negative impact.
it depends on what the resume is being used for, and it doesn't HAVE to fit on one sheet, but it is common for an employer to prefer to look at one sheet with the candidate's major accomplishments as opposed to multiple with everything.
Yeah keep it to one page but fill that thing up as much as you can while trying to keep it organized looking. Try to have your best features stand out and make them remember yours!
usually one, especially in the business arena.

Older employees may have more.
  • eye shadow
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