Saturday, March 13, 2010

My toddler is sleeping UNDER the fitted sheet in his crib - what do I do?

So here's the story - My toddler (he turns 3 next month) is in a crib - likes the crib and has great sleeping habits since he was 3 months old. However, over the last month he has started worming his way UNDER the fitted crib sheet - I bought some with more fabric in an effort to replace worn/stained ones, and he loves them. I will come in to wake him from naps or in the morning and he's under there, sheet still tucked in all the corners. He takes his blankie, his dragons, all the crib stuff under there with him. At first I thought he was doing it because he was bored in the morning before I came in to get him or whatever, but he's sleeping under there.

I have no idea how or why he does it, really. He seems to like playing under sheets (like a fort or something) during the day. He giggles and thinks it's funny when I go in to get him in the morning.

I tried switching back to the old sheets and he strips them from the crib and often takes off his PJs and even his diaper in protest when that happens, and often does not fall asleep right away or sleep as long. He's not potty trained, so that's pretty gross. With these sheets he's more often fully dressed, sleeping better, etc. I tried adding a blanket, tucked in at the foot of the crib, in case he was doing it because he is cold. He ignores it.

Is this a problem? Has anyone else had a little one who does this? Should I bite the bullet and switch the convertible crib to the toddler bed? Get him a sleeping bag? Is it a phase that will go away?

Help!My toddler is sleeping UNDER the fitted sheet in his crib - what do I do?
I agree it's just a phase. I understand being concerned because he's under a fitted sheet and worried he can't breathe properly. If that is a big concern maybe poke a few holes in the fitted sheet that he wont notice and it will give you piece of mind ( that is if you don't mind holes in your sheet )

I bet you it is pretty cute to come in there and find him that way especially if he is giggling! If you think that's 21 month old sleeps sitting up. I mean in full on indian style with his head between his legs. This started back around 7 months when he started ';crying'; himself to sleep. Well he still falls asleep this way and half the time I go in there and passed out sitting up. I will lay him out and five minutes later I check on him again and he's the same way. You think his legs would fall asleep!

If you son is comfortable and sleeping well...let that sleeping baby rest!! Definitely take pictures and write it will be funny to him one day!My toddler is sleeping UNDER the fitted sheet in his crib - what do I do?
It's just a phase; as long as he's sleeping and breathing.....I wouldn't worry about it.

What I would do, however, make a note of this in his baby book.

AND potty train him.....he's too old to be in diapers!!!
You have to admit it's pretty cute!! It is a phase. It'll get old after a while. Takes lots of pictures of it though. Maybe switching him to a big boy bed will bring more excitement than the sheet itself. They also have pop-up tents that go over the bed. Once you get him into a big boy bed, if you get a tent, maybe he won't feel the need to make his own fort. He may also just like the tightness of the sheet around him. It's comforting for a baby to be swaddled and as we grow into adults we like to be cuddled under blankets. I wouldn't worry about it too much. But I would laugh about it a lot. If it's not hurting or dangerous to him then don't sweat it.

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