Saturday, March 13, 2010

Can you fold a fitted sheet and make it look like you know what you are doing?

Oh, HECK no! I don't know why I even keep trying. Every time I try to fold one it just ends up looking like I wadded it into a ball. I would save myself a lot of time and aggrivation if I would just wad it into a ball to begin with.Can you fold a fitted sheet and make it look like you know what you are doing?
lol, if someone could teach me how to do a hospital corner for bedsheets I'd be eternally gratefulCan you fold a fitted sheet and make it look like you know what you are doing?
No, but I can make myself look like I know what I'm doing....
I never could do that.
I hate those dang fitted sheets! They always look like I just rolled them up after I spend time trying to fold them neatly.
I most assuredly can - nice neat little package very close to how it looked when it was purchased. My linen closet looks good.... Of course this is due to the fact that i owned a maid service for almost l5 years.
Yes, my grandmother taught me.
Yes I had a job where I had to do that, this lady said Im going to show you once and you better get it. So I watched close, and now I can.
No, and if anyone does I wish they would teach me. I just wad it up and stuff it in a drawer.
If I feel like taking the time to make it look all neat, but normally I just fold it haphazardly, it's not like every ones going to see it.
Yup. FOld the fitted corners under and then fold like a normal sheet.

Takes a little practice
of course
man i hate folding those things!
Of course, you can make anything look easy, just match up the corners with your fingers holding the tip of each, then fold and hold the next,'ll have all 4 together and lay down, smooth and fold
sure can, cause i have mad skills.
Yes, I fold like Becky Homecky.
Yes , I am sad to admit I went to the marths sweart web site and learned how :)
lol no
lol nope, i dont think i could. :D
Yup...I've come up with my very own technique that actually makes a fitted sheet look neatly folded when I'm done.
Only if I work in Target clearance and my boss is watching.
Yes I want me to come show you how? :o)
Yup...its a lost art.
I used to work night shift at a hotel. I'm a pro at folding sheets.
on a good day, yep

most of the time - no - I end up rolling the stupid thing up. lol
I saw how they do it on Oprah once, but i really couldn't be stuffed trying to fold a stupid sheet all neat and perfect... i'd rather put them on the bed and have fun messing them up.
of course
can't be arsed.

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