Saturday, March 13, 2010

My house ceiling is fitted with asbestors sheet.I come to understand it can cause cancer! Is it true?

If left untouched and is in good condition (i.e not breaking apart and crumbling) then it would present very little danger. In this instance the removal of it by untrained personnel would most likely present a much greater danger!

If the airborne asbestos fibres are inhaled, then it does present a very real danger, the effects of which however would not be realised for some 20 to 30 years! If infected this would most likely develop into asbestosis and finally Mesothelioma, of which there is no cure.

The only known cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos fibers.

Asbestos manufacturers knew about the hazards of asbestos some seventy years ago - but they kept this knowledge to themselves. The first warnings to workers exposed to asbestos were given in the mid-1960s, and they were terribly inadequate. Even today, workers are not always told they are working around asbestos and are at risk of asbestos disease. In Australia, James Hardey were found guilty of knowingly distributing this dangerous product and have been remanded to set aside many $$M for compensation claims from victims of this suffocating disease, for the next 40 years.My house ceiling is fitted with asbestors sheet.I come to understand it can cause cancer! Is it true?
Asbestos is potentially dangerous and can cause cancer. There are different kinds of asbestos, some of which are more dangerous than others.

Having said that, the danger comes from inhaling the fibres so, so long as the asbestos is not not disturbed, there should be no problem.

We lived in a house with asbestos lined walls for years. The asbestos was covered with wallpaper. We redecorated by papering over the older paper as we were advised that to remove the old paper would be dangerous as it would disturb the asbestos. When we had children, we had the asbestos removed as a precaution.

I would advise you to find someone who knows what they are talking about and get them to check it. They could then advise you on whether it is dangerous, and if so, how to make it safe.

Removal of asbestos is expensive but in most cases it should be possible to cover it up.

Best wishes and good luck.My house ceiling is fitted with asbestors sheet.I come to understand it can cause cancer! Is it true?
Asbestos fibers are dangerous if they become airborne and are inhaled. As long as the sheet in your ceiling is intact and not breaking apart, you are safer if you leave it be exactly where it is. Removing asbestos is expensive and takes a lot of specialty precautions, and unless you plan to remodel, it's best if it's just left in peace. Repeated exposure to airborne asbestos fibers causes a particular type of cancer called mesothelioma. But people do encounter the odd fiber on occasion and do just fine. The fact you have an asbestos sheet in your home doesn't mean you will develop lung cancer. If it makes you nervous, you can have it removed. You just need to be sure you have a contractor who is trained to do the removal properly, and don't try doing it yourself on the cheap. Removing it is only half the trouble, the other half is the proper disposal afterwards- which is why the contractor will cost you an arm and leg. Have it checked out, and if they find it's intact, they can suggest ways to secure it and isolate it so it doesn't become a trouble later.
If it is undamaged you don't need to worry. Asbestos is only a danger when released into the air.

Call a company who advertises abestos removal and ask them to check and make recommendations.
Yes and as soon as you can afford to pay the professional removers to remove it, the better for you.
Yes it causes asbestosis my uncle just died from this. I would have it removed by a professional if I were you.
Yes, I'm pretty sure of it.
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