Thursday, March 11, 2010

What is the best way to fold a fitted sheet?

Tuck all the corners into one another (2 bottom ones and two top ones, then all four together), then lay it flat on the floor and fold edges flat. Fold into thirds length wise and then roll or fold over at least three times.

They ARE hard to make look nice!What is the best way to fold a fitted sheet?
first u take two corners and use ur fingers to put them together in the opposite end and fit them together

next on a sufrace that is big enough lay it flat and fold the corners just alittle bit over the two parts that just met

then fold one side half way as if ur folding clothes then the other side till the two sides touch thenfold it in half

then fold it into a square

hope that helpsWhat is the best way to fold a fitted sheet?
Ball it up and stuff it in a drawer. - A. Guy

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