Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spiritually speaking, could Jesus fold a fitted sheet neatly?

Now that would be a miracle.Spiritually speaking, could Jesus fold a fitted sheet neatly?
My guess would be no.

Shhh. Don't laugh, but I learned from Martha Stewart. Really. Oh, the shame! *cringes*

Edit: If you were talking to me: Yes, I'll be going to bed shortly, thank goodness. Completely exhausted. I'm just about done with the mountain of paperwork I'll need for work tomorrow.Spiritually speaking, could Jesus fold a fitted sheet neatly?

NIV Bible John 20:7

'; . . . . as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus' head. The cloth was folded up by itself, separate from the linen.

Yes, it was a miracle.
He was also a carpenter --- so he'd be wonderful doing repairs on TROLL bridges. (so they could go back hiding under it)
impossible, no one can achieve such a feat. maybe if he was on steroids, but on his own, even jesus cant do that ****.
No, but Chuck Norris can.
Well. He was a shepherd, maybe making wool sheets is in the job description.
I think you can fold a sheet, but only 12 times...isn't that the theory?

Or is that paper?
if he wanted to.

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